How Long Will You Live?
Well, most of you know I have been battling this awful upper respiratory crap. The penicillin didn't do jack so yesterday the dr gave me a Z Pack with a Difulcan chaser. I know, I're all jealous. Well, today is the first day in like 2 weeks that I actually feel like a person. I can breathe and I am not running a fever. So that's all good. But the antibiotics are making my tummy a mess. Good thing my bathroom isn't too far and I have a lifetime supply of Charmin Ultra. I want to apologize for not commenting on blogs. I've been trying to read em all but haven't been commenting because I just feel like crap and I'm most happy when curled up under my covers. Enough about that...
I was watching Martha Stewart today and the show was all about leading a healthy and longer life. There is an age calculator and I thought I should take it...even though with how I've been feeling, I imagined it would tell me I'd live to 32 if I'm lucky. Well, it didn't say that. It said I'd live til I'm 85. I can deal with that. And I can make it better by making some easy life changes. I thought you'd all want to see when you'll die ;) The test is here.
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