Friday, July 20, 2007

Mish mash and hodge podge...

Well, I had planned to do a fun post because I found something fun when reading PITNB but it didn't work so I got annoyed. Well, he had found a Simpsonizer where you can take a pic of yourself and make yourself a character in The Simpsons. I tried like 10 different pictures of me but it didn't like any of them for various reasons so I got all annoyed. Anyway...if you want to try it, here's the link : Simpsonize. Maybe it'll work for you. If so, share! Maybe I'll get a better pic over the weekend and it'll work. We'll see.

Ok, what else....oh friend loving Annie has taken a walk on the wild side with her new blog doing some erotic writing. So, feel free to stop by her little place but I'll warn ya, you may need a cold shower after. Go take a look at mmmm yes I love that!

I guess I could go on and ramble about a few things so I can stay true to the title of this post. Oh, I am ADDICTED to bad summer tv. Well, not all of it is bad like So You Think You Can's actually a really good show and the dancers are really talented. But Big Brother 8, Bad Girls Road Trip, On the Lot, Katie and Peter...yeah...those are CRAP but I watch anyway. I'm sure there are more but I think I've embarrassed myself enough here.

Tomorrow I'm off to do a murder mystery thing and I CAN NOT WAIT! For those who don't know or didn't remember, tomorrow is my birthday and I wanted to celebrate doing something totally different. So, I'm doing this. Then I'm going to dinner with some friends. I was getting a little slack because I am not going to a bar for my birthday this year. I'm totally over it...I get bored. I haven't really been drinking and I don't need to sit and watch others do it. I'm not opposed to bars, I'll still go but just not like I used to. So, that's my quiet birthday plan. I'll let you know how it goes. :)

I think that's it for now. I promised a post today so I had to deliver. I don't like to make empty promises.