I saw his fine ass this weekend!
I was out with a friend on Saturday and we went to eat at a place on 7th Ave between 26-27th. Well, The Bourne Ultimatum happened to be filming on 7th Ave so I saw me some Matt Damon. He looked good. My friend and I had our lunch and then we wanted to walk south but we were stopped from doing that because of the filming. We were told we'd have to wait for a bit. So, we waited and we watched while a crash/chase scene was filmed. It was fun to watch but after like the 3rd take of the same scene, I was over it. Some guy started talking to me though during the filming...turns out he's a security guy. He said they went through 26 cop cars during the movie so far for crashes. He also said his main job is security for L&O SVU which most of you know is one of my favorite shows. He said that the whole cast is really nice and cool to all the crew so that was nice to hear. Ok, well...that was my celeb sighting. Not extremely interesting but it happened and I was stuck there so I watched. Oh, this was cool though....Matt Damon was being filmed driving a VW Toureg. The security guy was telling me that they basically opened the top of the car like with a can opener and put this mechanism on top so the guy sitting on top was actually driving the car because they yanked out all the insides of the car so they could put all these cameras inside to get all the angles on Damon. It was cool to see that. It looked like there was a go cart on top of the Toureg. OK, that's really all...I'm done.
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